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What You Don’t Know About Your Break-Even Point Will Kill Your Business

What You Don’t Know About Your Break-Even Point Will Kill Your Business

There used to be a really good joke about if you’re in the 25% tax bracket you work for uncle sam until at least April.  From then on the money you make is yours to keep.  Ok, maybe it wasn’t a really good joke.  Understanding your break-even point is exactly the same thing.  Let’s say your break-even point is $20,000 per month.  If it’s January 10th and you’ve already made $20,000 you’ve already covered your expenses and the rest of the money you make that month is PROFIT.

Don’t you want to know when you start making a profit?

Number 1 of the 7 Simple Numbers for Small Business Success is understanding your break-even and how often you want to review it.

Your break-even point is the simplest way for a small business to find out if what they charge for their products and services will cover the actual costs. 

Understanding your break-even point will help you understand the TRUE cost of doing business.  In turn, this will help you price your product so you can meet your expenses.

Why You Need to Know Your Break-Even Point

Understanding your break-even point will help you understand the TRUE cost of doing business.  In turn, this will help you price your product so you can meet your expenses.

Did you know that your break-even point can be used for a bunch of different things? 

  1. Evaluate a new product or project to see when you’re the money you invest can be recovered.
  2. It can set Your Initial budget – use your break-even point to determine your budget. You’ll know immediately because you’ll be monitoring and controller your costs. You’ll be able to see where your money is going and what needs to change in order to get to your breakeven point faster.
  3. Helps determine your pricing strategy – If you’ve set your prices to low you’ll see almost immediately that it will take you longer to get to your break-even point. If you need help determining your pricing strategy check out our (Pricing Strategy) Article

Free Break-Even Analysis Template:  Get our ” Sample Break-Even  Analysis” that lets you not only calculate your break-even point but the best case and worst case scenarios so you always know where you stand.

When and How Often You Need a Break-Even Analysis

I always advise our clients to have this calculation handy….There are a few times that make calculating your break-even point becomes necessary.

1. Starting A New Business

Starting a new business can be rough especially if you’re after funding.  To make sure you know when you’re going to make a profit then start with understanding where your going to spend money and then figure out how much you’ll spend and how much you need to sell before starting.  It will keep your expectations realistic and make the banks happy that you know when profit will start.

2.      Creating a New Product

Want to add new inventory, creating a new coaching package or thinking about adding a new line of products?  Then it’s time to create a break-even analysis to see when the new product or service will make money.  This also helps focus you on the variable costs that are associated with creating and selling the product.  For example, let’s say you are going to sell training to corporations and it’s going to cost additional money to create and execute a solid marketing plan.  You’ll want to know when you expect to be able to pay for it.

3.      Adding a New Sales Channel

Thinking about switching from drop shipping products to carrying inventory?  You should make sure that you complete your analysis to make sure your pricing doesn’t need to change as well. 

4.      Changing Your Business Model

Thinking about switching from drop shipping products to carrying inventory?  You should make sure that you complete your analysis to make sure your pricing doesn’t need to change as well. 


4.      Changing Your Pricing Or Reducing Costs

We live in uncertain times so you may need to look differently at the products and services.  If you’ve reduced costs or if you’ve lowered or raised your prices it might be time to analyze your break-even point.

What is a Break-Even Point

The breakeven point is where the business’s total revenue is equal to its total expenses.  Sounds fairly simple right?  I like to know when a company breaks even for the month as well as a quarterly and annual basis.  I know your asking yourself, why, it’s because that will help you figure out what you can afford next, where your money is going


When you can really pay yourself what you want to pay yourself.


How to Determine Your Break-Even Point

Now that you have the break-even formula it’s time to get real with the numbers check out the formula below.

break-even formula

You have the formula how the heck do you get the numbers.  Let’s find out….

1.      Gather Up Your Data

If you have an accounting system then you should be good as long as your following the 4 Money Rules Every Small Business Owner Should know.  If your finances are in a bit of a mess you might want to go to through the 4 Steps to Organizing Your Business Finances before you try to compute your break even point.

If you do have your finances together then it’s time to list out your Fixed costs.

Fixed Costs Spreadsheet

2.     Find Your Variable Costs

Let’s Find our variable costs so that we can make sure that we have the right number for our break-even.  

variable costs formula

Andrea's Tip

You can skip this if you have a service-based business unless you have direct labor.  Or labor that is tied to a specific client or project.  Because most service-based businesses don’t have a lot of fluctuating overhead costs.

If you’re an eCommerce seller and you produce products having the variable cost for the product is sooooo important. You check out how to find your cogs in more detail In What the Heck is Cost of Goods Sold.

Free Break-Even Analysis Template:  Get our ” Sample Break-Even  Analysis” that lets you not only calculate your break-even point but the best case and worst case scenarios so you always know where you stand.

Putting it All Together

Now that you figured out what your Break-even point is you know what you need to get to on an Annual Example.  So with the below example, you need to make $101,538 annually to breakeven.  According to this calculation which you can find in the Break-Even Point Spreadsheet you need an additional $1,538 to get to break-even or you can cut fixed costs of $1,000 to make it.

That’s why it is so important that you understand the breakeven and how it plays the part in your overall business plan.  If you divide the Break even point by 12 you’ll be able to calculate your operating expenses that you need to make every month to break even. 

Let’s get you to profit quicker.

You got this!


7 Simple Numbers

7 Simple Numbers

Have you ever had someone approach you speaking a different language than you? You know the frustration of trying to understand what they’re saying as they gesture and point. 

That’s how most accountants talk to their small business owners. Or they bring out a fancy looking dashboard with lots of gadgets and numbers that look like the cockpit of a 747.

Less 10 % of small business owners want or need something that fancy. Most of the data is overkill and it makes it harder to see the real picture of your business.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just boil it down to 7 simple numbers that make sense to you?

I do to……

That’s why we’re going to talk about the 7 Simple numbers that you can track (easily) that will keep your business from growing out of control.

7 Simple Numbers that Help Your Business Grow

Tracking your numbers will help you reach your goals quicker.  That’s why in the 7 Simple Numbers series we’re going to discuss each one in detail and how it can help you see your business in a new light.

  1. Break-Even Point
  2. Money In (Revenue)
  3. Money Out (Expenses)
  4. Direct Labor Cost
  5. Management and Admin Labor Cost
  6. Core Capital Fund
  7. Profit and Profit Margin


 I know you’re asking yourself

“Why is Profit Last?”

If you don’t know the first 6, you won’t know your numbers and it will be harder to get your business to a profitable and sustainable company..

In the 7 Simple Numbers Series, we’re going to talk about each of these numbers.

We’re going to discuss what each of them means to you


How to track them easily without a headache 

To your business Success



What the Heck is Cost of Goods Sold?

What the Heck is Cost of Goods Sold?

I swear that the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) is not as hard as you would imagine.  It’s frustrating because your trying to figure out where to put your expenses is it Overhead, is it COGS, what the heck.  I know you’ve been trying to search through google and the articles are confusing.

And they make you do MATH.

Ok, you may have to do a little math, but I promise it won’t be as bad as you think.  And with a spreadsheet, it will be super simple.

But before we delve into the math let’s figure out what exactly it means.

What is Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

I think Investopedia was put on this earth just for me.  They always have simple, easy explanations for even the most complicated topics.  If you’ve never heard of them, you should go, and bookmark the site right now

Let’s take the definition and break it down.

Cost of goods sold (COGS) refers to the direct costs attributable to the production of the goods sold in a company. This amount includes the cost of the materials used in creating the good along with the direct labor costs used to produce the good. It excludes indirect expenses, such as distribution costs and sales force costs.

The Accounting Formula for COGS goes something like this….

COGS = Beginning Inventory + Purchases during the period – Ending Inventory

So, what does that gobbly gook mean for you?  To make it make sense to you need to know what type of business you have. Are you a retailer with a brick and mortar store, a wholesaler that sells to retailers or do you have a service-based business?

Since most of COGS has to do with inventory, we’re going to start with an example of a company that produces coffee tables.

Let’s say you are a wholesale producer of a coffee table.  You buy raw materials like lumber, and nails. and build a coffee table and sell it to a retailer.  Your cost of goods would look a little like this…..

At the beginning of the Month this is the raw materials you have on hand and what you bought it for.

Beginning Inventory

4 Pieces of Cedar Wood for $100.00

1 Box 50 of Nails $10.00

During the month you bought this.

1 Box of Nails for $10.00

5 Pieces of Cedar wood

Let’s plug in the numbers

May Beginning Inventory
Inventory Name Qty Unit Price Inventory Value
Cedar 4 $25 $100
Nails 50 $.20 $10
Total Inventory $110


Inventory Purchased During the Month
Nails 50 $.20 $10
Cedar 5 $25 $100
  Total Inventory $110


End of Month Inventory
Nails 75 $.20 $15
Cedar 2 $25 $50
  Total Inventory $75


Your COGS for all your products is $95.00.

Now let’s say you want to know how much inventory you used for each coffee table.  (Not an exact science unless your keeping track.  Just the number of coffee tables you sold by the COGS for May

For example

You sold 5 coffee tables

$75.00/5 = $15

For every coffee table your cost of goods sold is $19.00.  Enter that into the profit tracker and you’ll easily be able to see how your costs are keeping up.

This example is just for raw material and doesn’t consider freight or labor costs.  Now if you want to add the freight cost you can do it by either a single line item or you can add it to the price per unit. 

What do I mean by freight you ask….

I’m talking about what the supplier charges you to ship the raw materials to you.  Generally, this is a line item on the bill.  For a longer explanation check out this article on Freight charges

Make sure that when you enter in the line item in your expenses as it is a COGS. Category.

Now that we understand understand what COGS is when producing a product what other charges besides raw inventory and freight should be considered?

What You Need to Know About Labor and COGS

There are some labor costs that may be tied directly to the production of your product.  Let’s say that again with an example.

Let’s say your company not only builds coffee tables but you have a factory and in that factory there are employees.  Inside your factory you have

1 Office Manager

2 Factory Workers

The factory workers actually build the product so their wages are considered COGS as well.  However, the Office Manager is considered an overhead expense (hey s/he might be awesome but for accounting purposes they are overhead).

Let’s take a second example for a service-based business.  Heck let’s use my an accounting business (just for fun).

We employ

1 Administrative Assistant

1 Bookkeeper

The bookkeeper only works on my clients business so s/he wages would be considered COGS. But the Administrative Assistant is considered overhead.

Now if I wanted to I could break this down even further and if we keep track of the Bookkeepers hours we can use the portion of the time that is spent on clients work as COGS and the remainder would be under overhead expenses.  This way only the time worked would be distributed to in COGS and other time like education and training would be considered overhead.

Other COGS Not Normally Counted

Let’s talk shipping.  If you own an e-commerce store and ship products to your customer, then you may be able to tack the cost to ship to your COGS.  Let’s use our coffee table example to go a bit further.

Our company sells the coffee tables in a Shopify store.  We decided that we would make shipping free to our customers.  So whatever the shipping costs to our customer we can add this to our COGS.  I would normally just add a line item on my expenses for each sale and then Average them for the month and divide by the number of sales.  That way you can forecast approximately how much shipping will be for every unit sold.

Shipping = Total Shipping Costs/Total Sales

Now if we charge the shipping costs to the customer this would be basically a 0 line item or what we in accounting like to call a Pass-Through account which means we keep track but the line item should always be 0.

Now if we charge shipping costs to the client above the actual costs to ship the product (also known as a Markup) That actually becomes a product in itself and you’ll want to keep track of it.

What to do When Your Supplier Raises Your Prices

Oh no your supplier raised their prices now how do you figure your cost.  The above example when we were talking about raw materials is considered the AVERAGE Cost but we have a couple of others.

Let’s Use are above example

Before the supplier raised their prices the cost of Cedar Lumber was $25.00

After the supplier raised their price the cost of Cedar was now $50.00 we bought 4 more.

Before raised their price  4 X25 = $100.00

After supplier raised their prices the 4 X 50 = 200.00 


Average Cost Method

Average cost is the most straightforward.  You’d look at all the inventory purchased and figure out the aver cost for the would.  Total up your inventory and divide by the number of units and you have the average cost.

300/8 = $37.50 unit price for Cedar

First In, First Out (FIFO)

FIFO assumes that the coffee table that you built uses the first order of lumber before it will use the second.  Under this rule you use the last price that the supplier charged you which means your per unit cost would be $50.00.

FIFO is used during times of rising prices, because costs are recorded as lower and income is then recorded as higher.

Last In, First Out (LIFO)

With LIFO we assume that the first pieces of lumber you use are the last pieces of lumber that you purchase.  Since you used up that you used 2 units at $50.00 each and the next 2 units would be at $25.00.

LIFO is used mainly during times when tax rates are high, because costs assigned will be higher and income will be lower (which gives you a bigger break on your taxes.). 

Notes:  It can be difficult to select a cost method, and there are certain guidelines that the IRS provides that you used 2 units at $50.00 each and the next 2 units would be at $25.00.

Andrea's Tip

In the US if you want to change to LIFO you’ll need to fill out IRS Form 970.

Putting it All Together

We’ve covered a ton of information.  From defining what Cost of Goods Sold is to writing up examples of how it can be used for your business.  I hope that you’ve found the information useful.  I know that calculating COGS can be difficult but keeping track of your costs is one of the most important things a small business owner can do.  Just keep in mind that most accounting software will keep track of your COGS for you and of course we can calculate that for you if you need some help.

As Always if you have questions or need a consultation you can always talk to us.



Andrea's Tip

When you’re selecting a cost method, you’ll need to make your choice based on guidelines provided by the IRS. You can get that info right here. If you are still not clear let’s schedule a time to talk at Fix My Books.

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